This is the official Lions Step Series site.
The program was created by group of sober AA members who, together created a guide with a number of tools for taking the Steps as they are outlined in the Big Book Alcoholics Anonymous.
We do not represent Alcoholics Anonymous. The information and tools on this site are NOT conference approved. They are not meant to replace any AA literature or service in any way. You are welcome to use them if they will help you.
Our goal is best described in the AA Preamble
"Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety."
watch any session of the lions step series
Now you can see each session by clicking the file icon of the information you require.
Please note that the content of the Step Series remains consistent with the Step Book and the Tools but there are now two presentations available. Click the folder of the presenter you choose and then simply click the icon of the Session you with to watch.
What are people saying?
This set of steps was the most life changing that I have done. The commitment, listening, learning and action I took, and continue to take, because of this step series, provides me with an abundance of growth and understanding of God and myself. I have no doubt anyone who participates will learn so much and change, if they commit to the action that is required.
Sue J – BC Canada
For me, early sobriety focused on not drinking and cleaning up the wreckage of the past. The Lion’s Step Series is the “more will be revealed” that Bill Wilson talked about. This is the doorway to emotional sobriety. I believe that Marty J. was spiritually inspired in bringing these principles into fruition. I believe these tools will guide me, and those I’m here to help, to deeper spiritual growth. With profound appreciation.
Nancy D, Lake Mary, FL
I was taken through the Lions Step Series by my sponsor in 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic. It was an ongoing eye, heart and soul opening experience that I will treasure for the rest of my life! The Lions Step Series is extremely easy to follow and use; the hard part was the personal digging, but using the tools even made that easier too. Being sober is wonderful. Being sober; educated in the 12 step series; serving in fellowship, implementing the steps into all aspects and now participating in life utilizing God’s will for me through steps 10 and 11 daily is Truly Transformative.
I now take people through the same step series, and they too are having profound results when completing this step series.
I understand the effectiveness of repetition and I continue to learn by engaging in additional step series sessions. In doing so, I realize my learning shows up in levels and layers when doing the steps.
I had always described the changes in my life by stopping drinking & attending meetings as changing my life by 180 degrees ... with this step series there are infinite positive changes. I don’t think anything has not changed, I have more peace and tranquility than I have ever experienced. My viewpoint on almost everything is completely different, unquestionably for the better!
Sincerely - PJS
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